Academy 4SC's Learning Hub

Educators 4SC equips teachers with resources to develop their students’ capacity to become effective civic leaders who write persuasively, speak passionately, and actively participate in the creation and dissemination of ideas.

Our Approaches

We divide all our content into two different sections. In the Future-Oriented section, we sort all our content by which issue the content will help our students lead on. In the Interdisciplinary section, we sort all our content by which discipline the topic is primarily informed by. 

Future-Oriented Approach

Use this section to browse our content by issue area!

Interdisciplinary Approach

Use this section to browse our content by disciplinary focus!

Create A Free Account

Students and teachers can make free accounts on our site to save videos, track lessons & progress, earn badges, take courses, and more!

Our Content

For every topic, we aim to provide a comprehensive set of resources to help students and teachers see the impact of the curricula on the real world. We do this by providing content for every step of our Civic Leadership Steps. 


Every topic has a video and written post that explains the background knowledge a students needs!


Every topic includes either real world examples or case studies to help students see the importance of the topic.


Every topic includes an activity that students can participate in through simulations or real world applications.
